DAEZ-2016-Empfehlung-zum-MAU-Screening.pdf (0.28 MB)
Gebrauchsanweisung GBA (0.57 MB)
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MSDS (0.26 MB)
DAEZ-2016-Empfehlung-zum-MAU-Screening.pdf (0.28 MB)
Gebrauchsanweisung GBA (0.57 MB)
Gebrauchsanweisung GBA
MSDS (0.26 MB)
U11 Plus urine test strips (150) comp. with DocUReader 2 PRO
LabStrip U11 Plus is a high-grade, non-bleeding multiparameter urinalysis test...
EUR 14,00 - EUR 19,50
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
The DocUReader 2 PRO, made in EUROPE, can evaluate up to 50 test strips per hour....
EUR 499,00
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
EUR 71,90 - EUR 74,90
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
10 µl inocculation loops (1000p.) (50 x 20p; sterilized)
Disposable inoculation loops for inoculating culture media (loop) and for picking...
EUR 34,00 - EUR 39,00
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
1-200 µl Tips, Bevelled, Loose, Yellow (1000 p.)
The non-filtered non-sterile 1-200µl bevelled tips are high clarity research grade...
EUR 16,74
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
MacConkey agar ready - 20 pcs.
The MacConkey medium is a selective medium for the preferential cultivation of...
EUR 7,50 - EUR 8,68
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
Tips 200µl (10x96), racked, yellow, non-sterile
These 200µl Universal, Bevelled, Racked, Yellow, Non-Sterile tips from Alpha...
EUR 48,30
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
Foils, perforated for 96 w plate (100 pcs)
Perforated films (100 pieces) for covering 96-well plates, such as the...
EUR 49,00
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
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