product description
Which reference strains do you need for internal quality control?
As a rule, the instructions for use (IFU) give information on the recommended strains and quality controls of the manufacturers. If you have any questions or need help, please contact us. We will be happy to help and make you a non-binding offer.
Is the handling of reference strains subject to approval?
An authorization requirement when using reference strains in the medical laboratory, limited to the purpose of quality management of your in-vitro diagnostics, is not clearly regulated. We therefore recommend informally reporting to the supervisory authority responsible for you, e.g. the regional council.
Do I have to buy the strains regularly?
You have the option of either (1) breeding the strains yourself using a cryoprocess (freezing and regrowing of the strain cultures) and storing them long-term. For this we recommend KWIK-STIK™ combined with a storage system (e.g. Cryobank® System).
Alternatively (2), if you don't want to breed the strains yourself, but want to buy them proportionally to your need, you can choose between LYFO DISK™ and Microtrol™.
Application videos for handling the reference germs and for setting up the cryobank can be found in our "Self-study" section at www.aurosan.de
We have also put together a further overview on the subject of “reference strains for internal quality control” in our info memo.
Important note for your order:
Together with the order, we need you to sign the end user license end user agreement.
Additional transport costs are incurred for the refrigerated shipment of the goods, which are not included in the price and will be charged separately.