MICRONAUT-UR - partially automated microbiology
The MICRONAUT-UR system from MERLIN for pathogen identification (ID) and pathogen resistance determination (AST) using the broth microdilution method in the microbiological laboratory is the standard EUCAST method for the dilution process and enables the testing of several medical practice-relevant antibiotics that are not (more) testable.
Even small doctor’s office laboratories with only few antibiograms have a real alternative to the manual identification kits and answers to the limits of agar diffusion with the MICRONAUT. The MICRONAUT system is completed by a user-friendly software that takes into account the current standards (breakpoints) according to EUCAST.
Basic antibiogram and extended antibiogram, quality assurance and pathogen statistics taking into account EBM, the quality assurance agreement (KBV-QSV) and the RiliBÄK specifications for internal and external quality controls, are significantly reduced in their complexity. The possibility of integration into many common medical practice management software is taken for granted.
We would be happy to advise you and your team whether the MICRONAUT system can represent a diagnostically and economically valuable option for you. For this purpose, we will first present the system to you in detail in a web-based seminar and then provide you the opportunity to test it in your own doctors’s office under expert guidance.
Just write to us at micronaut@aurosan.de. We look forward to your interest and assure you of manufacturer and method-neutral advice. You can find application videos for the MICRONAUT system in our section
self-study library.
In addition, the MICRONAUT-UR system is only one component of the digital laboratory. Urine chemistry and urine sediment can also be automated for the small doctor’s office laboratory in a cost- and quality-efficient manner. Please find more information about the DocUReader 2 Pro (U11) or the UriSed mini in the respective categories - or contact us for a free presentation in your doctor’s office.