
Martin Lewis Agar (GO) 20 plates

Product.Nr.: MD6001

EUR 7,53 - EUR 8,20
add. 19 % VAT


Quantity Single price
1-5 EUR 8,20
>= 6 -8 % EUR 7,53

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product description

A further development of the original formulation of Thayer-Martin Agar, Martin-Lewis Agar provides a selective, nutrient-rich medium for the isolation and cultivation of Neisseria species such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis, dar.

Cultivation takes place in a gassed environment with 5% CO2.
As an alternative to a CO2 incubator, you can use 1 CO2 tablet per agar plate (MD6001 -CO2) into the lid.