product description
Trichomonas selective culture media consist of a modification of the medium Bushby and Copp², or Squires and McFadzean³. The culture medium has a rich supply of nutrients and offers ideal growth conditions for T. vaginalis. The high content of beef liver digestion product lowers the redox potential to optimal values ??and the horse serum offers growth-promoting and stabilizing substances. Chloramphenicol is added to the culture medium to suppress the accompanying bacterial flora.
2. Bushby, S.R.M. and Copp, F.C. (1955) J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 7, 112-117.
3. Squires, S. and McFadzean, J.A. (1962) Brit. J Vener. Dis. 38, 218-219.
2. Bushby, S.R.M. and Copp, F.C. (1955) J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 7, 112-117.
3. Squires, S. and McFadzean, J.A. (1962) Brit. J Vener. Dis. 38, 218-219.