product description
Gonorrhoe is caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and is curable with a specific antibiotic therapy. About 650.000 persons yearly suffer from uncomplicated gonorrhoe (WebMD, 1999), being the main reason for urethral inflammation in men / for inflammation of the neck of the uterus (cervix) in women. The binding of a monoclonal, highly specific antibody to neisseria antigens permits a reliable, fast testing from patient swabs as they present. content of one unit: 10 Testkits. Only stop watch needed for test performance. Test is validated against neisseria culture as reference method confirming an excellent sensitivity and specificity: for cervical swabs (fem.): 90,9 / 96,4% für uretheral swabs (mal.): 90,0 / 96,8 % Store at room temperature (15-30°C).