
Cryobank®- Starter Set

Product.Nr.: MD9101

EUR 268,00
add. 19 % VAT

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product description

The sterile cryotubes each contain 25 chemically treated beads on the surface of which the microorganisms bind. The hypertonic special cryomedium guarantees a high recovery rate even with demanding species. The inoculated cryotubes can be stored at -20°C to -80°C or in liquid nitrogen. The cryotubes are colour-coded for better identification.

Starter set consisting of:
  • Box (13 x 13 x 5 cm)
  • 80 tubes with cryomedium
  • Cryoblock
  • Styrofoam box (11 x 8 x 7.5 cm)

We recommend the Cryobank® Starter Set when purchasing reference strains for the first time.

The medical device Cryobank®-Starter Set has been awarded the green AUROSAN seal because it can be reused, thus avoiding the use of disposable items and the generation of large amounts of waste.