Product variations
carryLine head cushion standard
Head cushion for the EEG chairs carryLine movable and removable
EUR 93,00
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
carryLine patient table (1 piece) for armrests standard
Patient table for the EEG chairs carryLine Disinfectant resistant For...
EUR 359,00
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
carryLine urine bag holder (pair right + left)
Urine bag holder for the EEG chairs carryLine 1 pair
EUR 90,45
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
carryLine standard rail L 34 cm (pair)
Standard rail for the EEG chairs carryLine Length 34cm 1 pair
EUR 163,35
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
carryLine holder for blood collection armrest (1 piece)
Holder for the EEG chairs carryLine For blood collection requirements
EUR 113,40
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
carryLine armrest for blood collection (1 piece)
Armrest for blood collection for the carryLine EEG chairs With double...
EUR 225,45
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
carryLine lap belt patient safety
Lap belt for the EEG chairs carryLine Patient assurance
EUR 90,45
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
carryLine infusion stand, with holder, height adjustable
Infusion stand for the EEG chairs carryLine With Holder Height...
EUR 251,10
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
carryLine storage basket (backrest)
Storage basket for the EEG chairs carryLine On the backrest
EUR 67,50
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
carryLine side protection for armrests, stainless steel (pair)
Side protection for armrests for the EEG chairs carryLine 1 pair ...
EUR 108,00
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
carryLine head cushion with side support
Head cushion for the EEG chairs carryLine with side guide movable and...
EUR 117,45
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
carryLine patient table (1 piece) padded for armrests
Patient table for the EEG chairs carryLine Disinfectant resistant For...
EUR 359,00
add. 19 % VAT excl. shipping costs
product description
Side protection for armrests for the EEG chairs carryLine
1 pair
stainless steel
carryLine Farbtafel und Zubehörliste (0.20 MB)
carryLine Farbtafel und Zubehörliste
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